Trust is Fundamental
Spring 2023

Trust is Fundamental

Trust is more than just an emotion.

It is a fragile bond, particularly within the sphere of AI and technology. As our dependence on machines and algorithms grows, addressing the pivotal issue of trust becomes imperative.

Unlocking the Science Behind Trust

Trust is crucial in relationships and has roots in neuroscience and psychology. Psychologist Adam Waytz identifies four key elements: Benevolence, Integrity, Competence, and Predictability. Examining these components enhances our comprehension of trust's role in AI-human relationships.

AI Chatbots Understanding of Trust

I conducted interviews with four AI LLM Chatbots, exploring trust through thought-provoking questions. By analyzing their responses and identifying commonly used terms, I generated a word cloud that highlights term frequency. This offers a captivating insight into AI's comprehension of trust.

Benevolence, Integrity, Competence, and Predictability

Are vital in shaping our perception of relationships, including those with AI. As we stand on the brink of an AI-human relationship revolution, the importance of these elements in determining our future becomes paramount.

Examining Benevolence

Benevolence gauges if someone genuinely prioritizes our well-being. We naturally question if AI systems embody this, with human perception of inclusivity and understanding shaping our trust. Just as we trust empathetic humans, we seek AI designs that reflect and respect our experiences.

Benevolence Perception

Over 50% of men believe their views and experiences are considered in AI system design. Hispanic and Black adults share similar perceptions regarding AI design consideration. Excluding white adults and men, most groups remain uncertain about their experiences being considered in AI system design. In the next visual, demographic groups reported if they believe their views and experiences are considered in AI system design.

Examining Integrity

Is the information and content AI sources obtained ethically? Ensuring integrity in AI requires transparency in its sourcing methods and a commitment to ethical practices.

Assessing Competence

Evaluating competence requires an examination of its capabilities and performance. Overtime, we can build trust and confidence that it is functional and reliable to deliver results.

Measuring Predictability

Predictability is crucial in ensuring trustworthy interactions. Consistently behaving in a predictable manner, AI can help to establish a sense of reliability and stability in our interactions with them.

30 Years Of Perception

I analyzed 30 years of New York Times articles mentioning AI, ranked on various negative and positive scales. By calculating net perception, I visualized the changing public sentiment towards AI across the years, offering a concise and impactful insight into its evolving perception.

Can we foster mutual trust?

Trust is often viewed as an emotion, however it is rooted in psychology and neuroscience. Oxytocin, a hormone that facilitates bonding and trust, influences human neural circuits. Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) cannot produce or react to hormones, however they can be influenced using techniques that mimic neuromodulation similarly to oxytocin. We should explore the potential for building mutual trust between organic and artificial neuroscience.

One Thing is Clear

As we hurtle towards the future Artificial Intelligence will play a crucial role in our lives. Everyday, we're learning about how to navigate this complex relationship.

Can you trust your new AI companion?

Could it develop the ability to trust you?

Afterall, trust is fundamental.


Due to Citation Length Citations are Linked Below

Trust is Fundamental Citations

Trust Is Fundamental by Anna Isaacks
Reconnecting Yarbrough

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